
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beautiful backyard wedding

FMIL and FFIL bought a retirement house in Rhody last year and it's on a beautiful 5 acres of horse corrals, trees, and a small river. FI and I have talked a lot about getting married on the property since it is so beautiful, and we would be able to do what we wanted to it to get it ready and decorate it as we want.  

Personal Picture / Front Yard

The yard in the back is large enough to have the ceremony with chairs setup for everyone, and we could get married with the sun setting behind the trees over the water.

Personal Picture / Back Yard at Sunset

One of the corrals on the side of the house is the perfect size to fit a large tent in, and we would even have some extra room to fit stuff along the outside if we wanted. 

Personal Picture / Ignore the kayaks. And this is a little less than half, so yes, it's huge.

So now that we have a potential venue, it's time to start planning on what work needs to be done and what equipment would need to be rented for a wedding!

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