
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wanna take a walk?

The second part of our engagement story. You can catch the first part here.

Where I last left you, I was contemplating talking with FI about the timeline of getting engaged and married.

The drive to Rhody took way longer than expected, and we decided to unpack the moving truck the next day, as we were all exhausted. So, we chilled out for a bit, and then I noticed that both FI and his mom were missing. But, I really just thought that it was that she needed help with something, so I didn't think anything of it. That night, we all hit the sack for an actual night's rest in a bed, since we drove through the night on our moving trip.

While we were unpacking the next day, I kept replaying the conversations that I had with FI and with my mom about this whole getting engaged thing. I came to the conclusion that I would talk with FI after everyone went to bed that night, and just let him know that I understood that it was his decision but that I didn't understand why it couldn't be sooner than later. After successfully unpacking, everyone got cleaned up and ready for that night's dinner with my godfather and his husband, which we had planned for a few weeks since my mom was going to be in town.

While we were waiting for my mom and FI's parents to get ready, FI asked if I wanted to go watch our first sunset at the house down by the river. So, we took a walk down the path in the woods to the water to watch the sunset.

We were both so excited to be back in Rhody, and I apparently wouldn't stop moving around - not cooperating at all with FI's plan. FI finally got me to stand still and look away from him, telling me to look at a (nonexistent) boat across the way. When I turned back around, FI was on one knee with the ring in hand. Then he said "Will you marry me?"

I was absolutely shocked! I cried! I hugged him! I asked him if he was serious, and then I said, "Yes!" FI took the ring out of the box and placed it on my finger. We hugged again, cried some more, and spent a few minutes down by the water before going up to the house to share the news with our parents and call and text our family and friends.

My Mom, FI, and me approx. 20 minutes post-proposal / Personal Picture

FMIL, FI, me, and FFIL approx. 20 minutes post-proposal / Personal Picture

So, I didn't end up having to talk with FI after all, and when we had that conversation a few weeks ago about getting engaged and married, he had just ordered my engagement ring! He was apparently freaking out inside, thinking that I had somehow found out that he had ordered the ring! What a sneak, trying to fool me....

Engagement Ring / Personal Picture *Please ignore FI's foot....

Engagement Ring / Personal Picture

1 comment:

  1. FI is such a romantic guy. I can feel the thrill and happiness that you felt when he made his proposal. Proposing marriage beside the river while watching the beautiful sunset can make any woman teary eyed. I’m pretty sure he searched for the most beautiful and most expensive ring for the most special lady in his life. An engagement ring is a guy’s way of expressing his love. I’m sure you will keep it and treasure it because it is a valuable object that reminds you of FL’S genuine love.
    Bridget Rossi
