
Monday, June 18, 2012

What a Weekend!!!

FI and I had a great weekend!

If you missed Friday's post, you should go back and read it, but if you don't want to scroll down, I understand...

So, I'll just tell you here:

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!  Woooooohoooooo!!!!

We couldn't be more excited! This is the house we knew we wanted as soon as we saw it the first time. The layout is perfect, the location is ideal, the potential is incredible, and it just works. We love it.

Yesterday, we met with our realtor to sign the Purchase & Sales Agreement, and today, I will be calling home inspectors to get one to look at the property.  If all goes well, and we are ok with what we find, the final step is financing, and then we'll have ourselves a house by the end of July!!!

Signing the P&S Agreement / Personal Picture

Just another thing to add to the table right before the wedding. Call us crazy, but we just see it as another reason to celebrate!!!

Glass Bottle of Champagne to Celebrate / Personal Picture

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