
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Rhode to The Rest of Our Lives: Bridal Party Formals

After the myriad of family photos, we got the bridal party together to take some group shots and individual shots.  

Even though she is also my sister, I included the pictures with MOH E here instead of in my family post, since our bridal party was so small.  

Next was BM A, and I really love this picture.  I have a picture similar to this one from A's wedding in 2011, and having this one next to it just makes everything complete.  

And then we took a few photos of the three of us together.  

The guys had the opportunity to take some photos before the ceremony, so they didn't have to take as many as the girls and I did. And their pictures came out great!

And the last part of the bridal party pictures were the group ones. I took a few with the guys, D took one with the girls, and then everyone together.

I loved that we had such a small and intimate wedding party.  It made things so easy, and pictures were quick.  While I love the look of large bridal parties in other photos, I knew that this was the right choice for us from the start.

Did you have a small or big wedding party? Are you happy about your choice, or do you think differently now that your planning is done?

All photos by Matt Ferrara Photography unless otherwise noted.

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