
Monday, July 15, 2013

Green Thumb Update

Back in April, I gave you all a DIY for a non-traditional Raised Bed Planter.  After that, I talked with you about what I planted in that planter, and how I labeled all my herbs.

Now, after weeks and weeks of waiting for something other than weeds to show up in my planter, I am happy to say that I have herbs!

They took a lot longer than I thought to germinate and pop through to the surface, but I am so happy that I do actually have a green thumb.

Clockwise: Chives, Rosemary, Oregano, and Parsley.


The garlic that I planted starting growing thin, little green stems, and then they died, so I'm hoping that the garlic is still growing under the soil.  Guess I'll find out for sure when it's time to harvest!

In the meantime, I can't wait for these other little herbs to grow large enough for me to pick them.  Anyone else having a more than difficult time with their gardens this season? Anyone having great luck? I'll take all the pointers I can get!

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