
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

101 in 1001 Update: August 2013

I figured that since I haven't spoken much about the 101 in 1001 that I have pledged to complete, I should give you all a little update.

Things haven't exactly been going where I have wanted them to, especially in the fitness category. Hopefully, it will start looking better, especially since we will soon be taking a very active vacation that has us exercising almost every single day we are away.  That trip will be a whole different set of posts, so I won't be getting into details about that now.

But, here goes.

We're going to skip the first few categories, and go right to the Money one.

20. Save every $5 bill I find until the end of the calendar year, then spend on something useful/save it

I have been saving every $5 bill that I come across, but I've also been digging in when I absolutely need the cash.  But, as a punishment for every time I dig into that little money envelope, I've been putting in a larger bill as penalty.  And then I sometimes need those too.  It'll all work out in the end. Plus, I'm already at about $80, so that's not too bad, right?

Jumping down to the Food section, a few weeks ago, Providence had it's semi-annual Restaurant Week.  

43. Try at least 3 new restaurants during PRW – 0/3

We checked out a few places while the deals were great. The first place we wanted to try was Jacky's Waterplace in Downtown Providence.  It's a higher class Sushi restaurant, so with the lunch deal it was a great time to try it out.  So we sat down, and then we were informed that they weren't honoring the lunch deal.  But, we stayed anyways and tried out a few of their rolls.  They were delicious, but very expensive, so we didn't end up with as much food as we had hoped.

The second place that we tried was McCormick & Schmick's, again for lunch.  We had a delicious lunch, with beautiful and amazing looking stuffies for our appetizer.  For my second course, I had a blackened catfish over a corn succotash, and D had fish tacos made with Cod.  His tacos were great, but my catfish definitely won the main course.  For dessert, we both ended up choosing the same thing again - the flourless chocolate cake, which was essentially just a slice of fudge. It was so rich, but so good.  In fact, the main course and the dessert looked so good that I forgot to even take pictures!

The last place was one that I went to with a friend of mine from college who was passing through and wanted to grab dinner.  I had been wanting to try Circe Restaurant and Bar for a while, so I thought this was the best way to try it out!  We really enjoyed the menu, and I really can't wait to bring D here for dinner.  For my appetizer, I had a roasted pepper and tomato soup, which for not liking tomatoes, was delicious.  It was the perfect temperature, and it wasn't too thick or too thin.  For my main course, I got the seared scallops and not only were they gigantic, but they were incredible.  The best part of the dinner, however, was the amazing ice cream trip dessert, which was served in a sugar snap bowl.  I wish I could have eaten it all, but there was so much and it was so sweet.  But, when I do go back, that is definitely what I will be ordering for dessert!

So, how have you been doing with your 101 in 1001 lists? Have you jumped on this bandwagon? What about the 30 under 30 trend?  Has this inspired you to join up?

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