
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's been quiet here on Rhody Life, but it's been nothing but quiet in our real lives. Dylan and I have been much busier than it seems based on my blogging. We've been finishing and starting a bunch of new projects, which I am really looking forward to bringing to you this coming year.

One of our biggest projects is also probably our most exciting one. We will both be entering a new journey - parenthood! I'm sure that you may have guessed by now, judging by how absent I have been, but yes, I'm pregnant, and we will be welcoming our first child in June!

This exciting news brings a lot of new projects for us - the biggest being converting the guest bedroom into a baby's room, and in general, finishing up some long-ended projects. I'm excited to have a deadline to look forward to and reach for over the next few months.

I hope that you all have a great New Year, and keep your eyes open to Rhody Life over the next few weeks and months, as this is promised to be a great year!